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Thursday, February 06, 2025
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Harriet and Gerard van Groningen's

The Covenant Family

Mr. Derek Heeren

There are scores of books available on the family—why do we need another one? Harriet and Gerard van Groningen contend that there is a lack of understanding regarding God's kingdom and the covenants of the Bible, which provide a helpful context for understanding the family. What are the real purposes of marriage and family? Starting with Genesis, The Covenant Family aptly develops the Biblical role God has designed for the family before addressing more particular topics in marriage and parenting.

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These audio files are copyrighted by the Stillwater Reformed Presbyterian Church. They are free to be listened to and used, but may not be altered in any way, or resold.

Date Lesson Title Chapters MP3
12/11/2011 10 Worship in the Covenant Family’s Home; The Covenant Family: Leaven in Society 17-18 Listen
12/04/2011 9 The Covenant Family’s Children: Teaching Them the Cultural Mandate; Virtues in the Covenant Home 15-16 Listen
11/06/2011 8 The Covenant Family’s Children: Their Education according to the Spiritual Mandate; Teaching Them the Social Mandate 13-14 Listen
10/30/2011 7 The Covenant Family's Children: Their Nurture and Discipline; The Covenant Family: Parents Who Nurture 11-12 Listen
10/23/2011 6 Children and the Covenant Family; The Covenant Family's Children: Chiseling our Children 9-10 Listen
10/16/2011 5 The Role of the Female/Wife in the Covenant Family 7 Listen
10/09/2011 4 The Role of the Male/Husband in the Covenant Family 6 Listen
10/02/2011 3 The Kingdom Context of the Covenant Family 5 Listen
09/25/2011 2 The Origin of the Family; Marriage is a Covenant 3-4 Listen
09/18/2011 1 Introduction; Our Source Book: The Bible; Covenant - Family Intro, 1-2 Listen
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