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This collection has come from a number of sources and has not been culled.



Bahnsen, Greg; Basic Training in Education; A Thousand Generations; The Necessity of Educating
       our Children in Christian Schools (Tapes 1-3)
Covenant Media Foundation Sampler (9 tapes)
Elliot, Elizabeth; Suffering is Not for Nothing (Tapes 1-3)
Harris, Gregg; Home Schooling Workshop Cassette Tape Series (5 vol.)
Reformed Presbyterian Home, January 8, 1991
Shaeffer, Francis and Koop, C. Everett; Whatever Happened to the Human Race (audio)
Sproul, R.C.; Themes from Genesis (3 video tapes with study guide)

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Spurgeon, C.H.; Commenting and Commentaries

Henry, Matthew; Matthew Henry's Commentary
Lange, John Peter; Commentary on the Holy Scriptures (missing Volume 8)
Trapp, John; Trapp's Commentary on the New Testament

Candlish, R.S.; Exposition of Genesis
Pink, A.W.; Gleanings in Genesis
Bonar, A.A.; Exposition of Leviticus
Calvin, John; Sermons on Deuteronomy
Pink, A.W.; Gleanings in Joshua
Pink, A.W.; Life of David
Pink, A.W.; Life of Elijah
Pink, A.W.; Gleanings from Elisha
Calvin, John; Commentary on Isaiah
Burrow, George; Commentary on Song of Solomon
Gill, John; Exposition of the Song of Solomon
Fickett, Harold; Peter's Principles
Ryle, J.C.; Expository Thoughts on the Gospels
Pink, A.W.; Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount
Hutcheson, George; Gospel of John
Pink, A.W.; Exposition of the Gospel of John
Allen, Frank (pastor, RPC, Winnipeg, Canada, autographed); The Acts of the Apostles (2 copies)
LaSor, William; Church Alive, Layman's Gigle Commentary on Acts
Conybeare, W.J. and Howson, J.S.; The Life and Epistles of Saint Paul
Boice, James Montgomery; Commentary on Romans (4 volumes)
Murray, John; Epistle to the Romans (in one volume)
Murray, John; The Epistle to the Romans, Volume One
Murray, John; The Epistle to the Romans, Volume Two
Plummer, William S.; Commentary on Romans
Wilson, Geoffrey; Romans
Hodge, Charles; Commentary on First and Second Corinthians
Brown, John; Exposition of Galatians
Calvin, John; Sermons on Ephesians
Goodwin, Thomas; Exposition of Ephesians
Wilson, Geoffrey; Hebrews
Excell, Joseph (editor); The Biblical Illustrator (23 volume set)

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Abel, Russell; Charles W. Abel of Kwato, Forty Years in Dark Papua
Acts of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod, 1972
Adair, James, ed; Hooked on Jesus - testimonies of young people
Alexander, Mary Janet; The Voice of Pain, Superintendent of the Nancy Fulwood Hospital, Punjab, India
Allison, Carol; Missionary Adventures - Stories for Boys and Girls
Anderson, A.M.; Ukanya, Life Story of an African Girl
Anderson, Emma Dean, and Campbell, Mary Jane; In the Shadow of the Himalayas
Andrew, Brother; God's Smuggler
Andrew, Brother; The Ethics of Smuggling
anonymous; Heroes of the Cross: John Williams, James Chalmers, Abel of Kwato
Ashton-Warner, Sylvia; Teacher
Azling, William; Kagawa
Bailey, Faith Coxe; Adoniram Judson, Missionary to Burma
Bailey, Faith Coxe; These, Too, Were Unshackled! (2 copies)
Balph, Florence; Beyond Romance - A true missionary story from the heart of China
Banks, Martha Burr; Heroes of the South Sea
Bayly, Joseph; I Love To Tell the Story
Beach, Harlan; Princely Men in the Heavenly Kingdom
Beacham, Gordon; New Frontiers in the Central Sudan
Bechtel, John; Perla of the Walled City
Begbie, Harold; Twice-Born Men
Berry, Grinton; Bishop Hannington, The Life and Adventures of a Missionary Hero
Bitzer, Rev. Warren; Missionaries for Jesus - What Little Folks Can Do
Bjorn, Thyra Ferre; Dear Papa
Bjorn, Thyra Ferre; This is My Life
Blackburn, W.M.; Exiles of Madeira
Blanchard, Frances; The Life of Charles Albert Blanchard
Board of Foreign Missions of PC in USA; Unforgettable Disciples
Bolt, Jacob and Christina; With Jesus on the Navajo Road
Bostrom, Alice et al.; Children's Missionary Library
       Overnight Mountain
       Wilfred Grenfell
       David Brainerd
       John G. Paton
       Ann Judson
       Pandita Ramabai
       David Livingstone
Booth, Mary Warburton; "Them Also"
Bourne, F.W.; Billy Bray
Brain, Belle; Fifty Missionary Stories
Broomhall, Marshall; Archibald Orr Ewing
Broomhall, Marshall; Hudson Taylor, The Man Who Believed God
Brown, Arthur; New Forces in Old China
Brown, Joan Winmill; No Longer Alone
Bryant, Anita and Bob Green; Running the Good Race;
Bryant, Anita; Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
Buksbazen, Lydia; They Looked For a City
Bulifant, Josephine; Forty Years in the African Bush
Burdick, Sandra, ed.; God Is No Stranger
Burgess, Andrew; Unkulunkulu in Zululand
Burnham, George; Prison is My Parish, The Story of Park Tucker
Burton, Margaret; Women Workers of the Orient
Cable, Mildred; The Fulfillment of a Dream of Pastor Hsi, the Story of the work in Hwochow
Caldwell, Mark M.; George Whitefield
Calkins, Harvey; The Victory of Mary Christopher
Campbell, Arch; Christ of the Korean Heart
Campbell, Dugald; Blazing Trails in Bantuland
Carey, S. Pearce, William Carey
Carleton, Lilian; Unto the Skies
Carrara, John ; Why a Preacher and not a Priest?
Chamberlain, Jacob; In the Tiger Jungle
Christie, Mrs. Dugald; Jackson of Moukden
Clark, W. Thorburn; Handmaidens of the King to Foreign Lands
Cochran, Jean Carter; The Bells of the Blue Pagoda
Corey, William; Men Without God, The Testimony of a Reclaimed Atheist
Crawford, Don; Pueblo Intrigue
Cunningham, Rosemary; Under a Thatched Roof in a Brazilian Jungle
Curtis, Claude; A Marine... Among the Idols
Dain, A.J., ed.; Mission Fields Today
Dalton, L. H.; "Young Man-Sit Down!" (William Carey of India)
Davey, C.J.; Red Tiger, Grey Jungle (Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur)
Davey, C.J.; Well Played, Sir! (C.T. Studd)
Davey, Cyril; On the Clouds to China - The story of Hudson Taylor
Day, Richard Ellsworth; Breakfast Table Autocrat - The Life Story of Henry Parsons Crowell
de Forest, John; Sunrise in the Sunrise Kingdom
de Rover, Peter; Champion of Geneva
Decker, Bea & Kooiman, Gladys; After the Flowers Have Gone; Coping with the problems of the widowed
DeKorne, Dr. John; To Whom I Now Send Thee, Mission Work of the Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria
Dyer, Helen; Pandita Ramabai, A Great Life in Indian Missions
Dickson, Lillian; These My People, Serving Christ among the Mountain People of Formosa
Dickson, Lillian; These My People; Serving Christ Among the Mountain People of Formosa
Dobbie, Lt.-General Sir William; Very Present Help
Dodds, Elisabeth D.; Marriage to a Difficult Man
Dowkontt, George; Marvel Mantel, that cause a sweet mother to suffer in silence,
       and a strong father to sob out a prayer, and other true stories
Dreyer, Edith; Light and Shadow in China
Drown, Frank and Marie; Mission to the Head-Hunters
Drummond, Ellen; Queen of the Dark Chamber, The Story of Christiana Tsai
Eareckson, Joni and Steve Estes; A Step Further
Eareckson, Joni; Joni
Easton, F.H.; Tales of a Chinese Carrying Pole
Egermeier, Elsie; John Wesley - The Christian Hero
Eggleston, Margaret; Forty Missionary Stories
Elliot, Elisabeth; Through the Gates of Splendor
Elliot, Elisabeth; These Strange Ashes
Elliot, Elisabeth; Twelve Baskets of Crumbs
Ellis, James; Dan Crawford of Juanza, or 37 Years' Missionary Work in Darkest Africa
Ellis, James; John Williams, The Martyr Missionary of Polynesia
Engstrom, Theodore; This I Know... - Testimonies From Men Successful in Business
Erdman, Walter; Sources of Power in Famous Lives
Faris, John; Against Head Winds - biographical sketches
Fisk, Eric; The Prickly Pear - Mission stories form Moslem lands
Fried, Ralph; Reaching Arabs for Christ
Fullerton, W.Y.; The Romance of Pitcairn Island
Gale, James; The Vanguard, A Tale of Korea
Gardiner, Gordon; Radiant Glory, The Life of Martha Wing Robinson
Gerson, Noel B.; Harriet Beecher Stowe
Giles, Janice Holt; Kinta Years
Glasser, Arthur; And Some Believed
Glover, Archibald; A Thousand Miles of Miracle in China
Glover, Robert Hall; The Progress of World-wide Missions
Goforth, Jonathan; By My Spirit
Goforth, Jonathan; When the Spirit's Fire Swept Korea
Goforth, Rosalind and Jonathan; Miracle Lives of China
Goforth, Rosalind; Goforth of China
Goforth, Rosalind; How I Know God Answers Prayer, The Personal Testimony of One Life-Time
Graham Ruth Bell; It's My Turn
Graham, James Jr.; The Incense-Bearers of Han, Stories of Twice-Born Chinese
Greer, Virginia; Emergency
Griffis, William Elliot; Hepburn of Japan
Grose, Howard; Aliens or Americans?
Gunther, John; Behind the Curtain
Hale, Mabel; Stories of Home Folks
Harrison, E. Myers; Blazing the Missionary Trail
Harrison, Myers; Heroes of Faith on Pioneer Trails
Haskin, Dorothy; Brave Boys and Girls of Long Ago
Haskin, Dorothy; Medical Missionaries You Would Like to Know
Haskin, Dorothy; Medical Missionaries You Would Like to Know
Haskin, Dorothy; Twice-Born Stars You Would Like to Know
Hefley, James and Marti; By Their Blood - Christian Martyrs of the 20th Century
Hefley, James; God Goes to High School
Hefley, James; Intrigue in Santo Domingo; The Story of Horad Shoemake, Missionary to Revolution
Henry, Carl; The Pacific Garden Mission, A Doorway to Heaven
Hilton, Suzanne; The Way It Was - 1876
Hoke, Donald, et. al.; Refugee
Holkeboer, Tena; God's Bridge or the Story of Jin-Gi
Hope, Noel; Mildred Duff
Houghton, Frank; China Calling
Houghton, Frank; George King, Medical Evangelist
Hubbard, Ethel Daniels; The Moffats
Huizenga, Lee; Pressing On, An Autobiographical Sketch
Hunt, Bruce; For a Testimony
Hurnard, Hannah; Watchmen on the Walls, Extracts from the Diary of Hannah Hurnard, a missionary in Jerusalem
Huston, Rose A.; How Yung Fu Saved A Bible
Huston, Rose; How Yung Fu Saved A Bible
Innes, Capt. T. Christie; Battle-Tested Religion
Jackson, John; Mary Reed, Missionary to Lepers
James, Kay Coles; Never Forget
Janss, Edmund; Yankee Si! the Story of Dr. M. Calvitt Clarke and his 36,000 Children
Jessup, Henry; Kamil
Johnson, Margaret; 18, No Time to Waste
Johnston, Julia; Fifty Missionary Heroes Every Boy and Girl Should Know
Johnstone, P.J.; Operation World (3rd ed)
Jones, Clarence; Radio, the New Missionary
Jones, Rufus M.; Story of George Fox
Kanamori, Paul; Kanamori's Life-Story
Kauffman, Christmas Carol; Hidden Rainbow
King, Beatrice Tannehill; Moro Sheeba
Klausler, Alfred; The Midnight Lion, Gustavus Adolphus, Soldier of God
Kleeberger, Jessie; David Livingstone, Missionary-Explorer of Africa
Kooiman, Helen; Cameos
Kourdakov, Sergei; The Persecutor
Kretzmann, Paul; Missionary Stories for Young People
Kuhn, Isobel; By Searching
Kuhn, Isobel; By Searching
Kuhn, Isobel; In the Arena
Kuhn, Isobel; Stones of Fire
Laubach; Frank C.; Wake Up or Blow Up
Lawrence, Carl; Church in China
Lewis, Karen; From Arapesh to Zuni: A Book of Bibleless Peoples
Li, Jeanette; Jeanette Li (Translated by Rose Huston)
Liu, Harry and Drummond, Ellen; Chinaman's Chance, The Story of Harry Liu of the Pocket Testament League
Livingstone, W.P.; Christian Forsyth of Fingoland, The Story of the Loneliest Woman in Africa
Livingstone, W.P.; Mary Slessor of Calabar, Pioneer Missionary
Lofti, Nasser; Iranian Christian
Lopez, Amy; Henry Martyn, Apostle to the Mohammedans
Lovejoy, Owen R. and Charles S. Thomas; Resolved, That the Proposed 20th Amendment ...
Lovett, Richard ed.; James Chalmers, His Autobiography and Letters
Lovett, Richard, ed.; James Gilmore of Mongolia, His Diaries, Letters and Reports
Lyall, Leslie T.; New Spring in China
Lyall, Leslie; Come Wind, Come Weather
Lyall, Leslie; John Sung
Mackenzie, Jean Kenyon; Black Sheep, Adventures in West Africa
Mackerchar, E.; Mary Reed of Chandag
Martinson, Harold; Red Dragon Over China
Matthes, Basil; Young Islam on Trek, A Study in the Clash of Civilizations
McFarland, A.J.; Eight Decades in Syria
McFeeters, J.C.; Sketches of the Covenanters
McIntosh, Amy; Journey Into Malaya
McLoughlim, Emmet; People's Padre
Memour, H.H.; A Greek and a Turkish Trophy of Grace
Mennenga, George; All the Families of the Earth - A study of Missions
Miller, Basil; 10 Handicapped Boys and Girls Who Became Famous
Miller, Basil; Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-shek
Miller, Basil; George Washington Carver
Miller, Basil; Martin Niemoeller
Miller, Basil; Nineteen Missionary Stories from the Middle East
Miller, Basil; Ten Girls Who Became Famous
Miller, Basil; Twenty Missionary Stories from Around the World
Miller, Basil; Wilfred Grenfell, Labrador's Dogsled Doctor (2 copies)
Mitson, Eileen; Beyond the Shadows
Moennech, Martha; On the China Road
Montgomery, Helen Barrett; The Bible and Missions
Moody, William; The Life of Dwight L. Moody (2 copies)
Morris, J.A.; Martin Luther the Lion-Hearted Reformer
Morrow, Honore W.; Tiger! Tiger! (Life Story of John B. Gough)
Morse, Eugene; Exodus to a Hidden Valley
Mueller, J.T.; Great Missionaries ... to Africa
Mueller, J.T.; Great Missionaries to Africa
Mueller, John; Boys and Girls Who Became Great Missionaries
Murch, James DeForest; Co-operation without Compromise
Murphy, Belva Atkinson; Mommie of the Mixing Bowl
Murphy, Belva Atkinson; Mommie of the Mixing Bowl, Biography of Doris Coffin Aldrich
Nairne, W.P. and Shepherd, Arthur; Hero Tales From Mission Lands
Newton, John; Out of the Depths, Being the Autobiography of the Rev. John Newton
Newton, Lucilda; Big Peanuts
Noller, Ella; The Nazarini
Norton, Mrs. Ralph, Opened Windows of Heaven, Belgan Gospel Mission
Nystrom, Gertrude; Seeking Kenya's Treasures, The life of Charles F. Johnston, Pioneer missionary of the Africa Inland Mission
Offord, R.M.; Jerry McAuley, An Apostle to the Lost
Opie, William Edward; Cry of the Kremlin
Orr, J. Edwin; Prove Me Now! -saith the Lord, 10,000 miles of Miracle to Moscow
Packard, F.C.; They Spoke For Democracy
Pahk, Induk; September Monkey
Pearson, B.H.; The Monk Who Lived Again, A Tale of South America
Philips, H.E.; Blessed Be Egypt My People, Life Studies from the land of the Nile
Pierson, George and Ida; Forty Happy Years in Japan, 1888-1928
Pike, Eunice V.; Not Alone
Pollock, J.C.; Hudson Taylor and Maria - Pioneers in China
Pollock, John; Victims of the Long March
Porteous, David; Calendar of the Reformation
Purves, Jock; Fair Sunshine
Reason, J.; Deep-Sea Doctor - Wilfred Grenfell of Labrador
Reed, A.H.; Samuel Marsden, Greatheat of Maoriland
Rice; Wsme Ritchie; Eclipse in Ethiopia and Its Corona Glory, An account of the work of the Sudan Interior Mission as affected by the Italo-Ethiopian War
Rimmer, Harry; Last of the Giants
Robb, Alice E.; Hoi Moon (Open Door)
Robertson, H.A.; Erromanga, The Martyr Isle
Robson, William; Griffith John, Founder of the Hankow Mission, Central China
Rogers, Dale Evans; Where He Leads
Rogers, Dale Evans; Woman at the Well
Romulo, Carlos P.; I See the Philippines Rise
Roseberry, R.S.; The Niger Vision
Ross, Ishbel; Power with Grace - The Life of Mres. Woodrow Wilson
Rowley, Carol A. and William J.; On Wings of Mourning
Rudy, Aunt Stella; More Rainbow Missionary Stories
Rudy, Aunt Stella; Rainbow Missionary Stories
Russell, Cazzie; Me, Cazzie Russell
Sanderson, Marjorie Allen; Syrian Mosaic
Savage, Robert; At Your Orders, Lord! - Missionary to Ecuador
Schnell, W.J.; Thirty Years a Watch Tower Slave
Scott, Charles Ernest; Answered Prayer in China
Scott, Lucy Jameson; Twelve Little Pilgrims Who Stayed At Home
Seamands, Ruth; House By the Bo Tree
Shelton, Don; Heroes of the Cross in America
Shepard, Walter D.; Sent by the Sovereign
Shoemaker, Helen Smith; I Stand By the Door, The Life of Sam Shoemaker
Shuler, Bob; Bob Shuler Met These On the Trail
Smith, Bertha; Go Home and Tell
Smith, Gordon; The Blood Hunters, A narrative of Pioneer Missionary Work Among the Savages of French Indo-China
Smith, Mrs. Gordon; Gongs in the Night, Reaching the Tribes of the French Indo-China
Smith, Sheila; Doctor Ida (Ida Scudder of Vellore, S. India)
Spencer, Walter; The Glory in the Garret
Steven, Hugh and James C. Hefley; Miracles in Mexico
Stine, Charles; A Chemist and His Bible
Strong, Josiah; The Challenge of the City
Sumrall, Lester; 50,000 Miles of Missionary Miracles
Symons, R.D.; Silton Seasons - From the Diary of a Countryman
Taber, Gladys; Harvest of Yesterdays, My Years Before Stillmeadow
Taggart, D. Raymond; Faith of Abraham Lincoln
Taylor, Dr. & Mrs. Howard; Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret
Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Howard; "By Faith", Henry W. Frost and the China Inland Mission
Taylor, Earl; The Price of Africa
Taylor, Howard; Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission
Taylor, Howard; Hudson Taylor In Early Years
Taylor, Mrs. Howard; Borden of Yale
Taylor, Mrs. Howard; Borden of Yale '09, The Life that Counts
Taylor, Mrs. Howard; Guinness of Honan
Taylor, Mrs. Howard; Triumph of John and Betty Stam
Taylor, Mrs. Howard; With P'u and His Brigands
ten Boom, Corrie, with Buckingham, Jamie; Tramp for the Lord
ten Boom, Corrie, with Carlson, C.C.; In My Father's House, The Years Before "The Hiding Place"
Terry, Carol; Let's Go To India
Thatcher, Phil; Under Arrest
Thomas, Terry, At Least We Were Married
Thompson, Phyllis; Hudson Taylor - God's Adventurer
Thompson, Phyllis; Proving God - Financial Experiences of the China Inland Mission
Tinling, Christine; India's Womanhood
Townsend, W.J.; Robert Morrison of China
Tremayne, Penelope; Below the Tide
Tressel, Amalia; Tales Truly True, A Collection of Short Missionary Stories for Junior Boys and Girls
Tsai, Christiana; Queen of the Dark Chamber
Tuininga, Margaret; The Wallpaper that Talked and Other Missionary Stories
van Hook, Anna; Life and Lore of the Guatemalan Indian
Vanderbreggen, Cornelius; A Leatherneck Looks at Life
Vaughn, Louisa; Answered or Unanswered? Miracles of Faith in China
Vaus, Mrs. Jim (Alice), with Haskin, Dorothy; They Called my Husband a Gangster
Vickland, Elizabeth; Daughter of Brahma
von Trapp, Maria; Maria, My Own Story
Walker, Deaville; William Carey, Missionary Pioneer and Statesman
Wallis, Ethel Emily and Bennett, Mary Angela; Two Thousand Tongues to Go; The Story of the Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wang, Mary; The Chinese Church That Will Not Die
Wanless, Lillian Emery; Wanless of India
Watson, Charles; De Shazer, The Doolittle Raider Who Turned Missionary
Weir, W.W., C.E. Caskey, and Barnabus Constantinopoulos; A Brief History of the Work of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in the Island of Cyprus
Westervelt, Josephine; Dragon's End
Whiesell, Faris; Great Personal Workers
White, Paul; Doctor of Tanganyika
White, Paul; Doctor of Tanganyika
White, Paul; Eyes on the Jungle Doctor
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor and the Whirlwind
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor Attacks Witchcraft
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor Goes West
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor Looks for Trouble
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor Meets a Lion
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor On Safari
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor On the Hop
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor Operates
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor Stings a Scorpion
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor To the Rescue
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor's Case Book
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor's Fables
White, Wally; South to the Harvest
Whittaker, Lieutenant James C.(autographed); We Thought We Heard the Angels Sing, The complete epic
       story of the ordeal and rescue of those who were with Eddie Rickenbacker
       on the plane lost in the Pacific
Wilderson, Don with Weiskopf, Herm; The Gutter and the Ghetto
Wilkerson, David; Twelve Angels from Hell
Wilson, Alan Livingstone; Doctor in the Jungle
Wilson, Dorothy Clarke; Dr. Ida
Wilson, Dorothy Clarke; Grany Brand, Her Story
Wilson, P. Whitwell; General Evangeline Booth
Wilson, Walter, Dr. Wilson's Stories of Soul-Winning
Wilson, Walter; Miracles in a Doctor's Life
Wilson, Walter; Strange Experiences of the Doctor
Wilson, Walter; Strange Short Stories By the Doctor
Wolf, Marguerite Hurrey; I'll Take the Back Road
Wooding, David and Brother David And Sarah Bruce; God's Smuggler to China
Woodley, Anne; Waithera, The Soul of an African Girl
Worman, Theresa; Missionary Stories
Worman, Theresa; More Missionary Stories
Yates, Pat; The Book in the Pillow - Adoniram Judson
Yonan, Isaac Malek; The Beloved Physician of Teheran, The miracle of the conversion of Dr. Sa'eed
Young, Mrs. Edwin B.; The Widening Wedge
Yule, Mary; MacKay of Uganda, The Missionary Engineer
Zimmer, Norma; Morma
Zwemer, Samuel; The Cross Above the Crescent, The Validity, Necessity and Urgency of Missions to Muslims

[ top ]

Homeschooling and Christian Education

Ballman, Ray E.; How and Why of Home Schooling
Beechick, Ruth; Biblical Psychology of Learning
Beechick, Ruth; Three-R's
Beechick, Ruth; You Can Teach Your Child Successfully
Blumenfeld, Samuel L.; How to Tutor
Clark, Gordon H.; Christian Philosophy of Education
Duffy, Cathy; Christian Home Educators' Curriculum Manual: Elementary Grades
Duffy, Cathy; Christian Home Educators' Curriculum Manual: Junior/Senior High
Farris, Michael P.; Homeschooling Father
Lopez, Diane; Teaching Children
Macaulay, Susan Schaeffer; For the Children's Sake
Machen, J. Gresham; Education, Christianity, and the State
Moore, Dorothy and Raymond; Home School Burnout
Pride, Bill and Mary; Prides' Guide to Educational Software
Pride, Mary; Big Book of Home Learning (4 vol.)
Rushdoony, Rousas John; Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum
Shackelford, Luannne and Susan White; Survivor's Guide to Home Schooling
Wilson, Douglas; Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning
Wilson, Elizabeth; Books Children Love

Bahnsen, Greg; Basic Training in Education; A Thousand
       Generations; The Necessity of Educating our Children in Christian
       Schools (Tapes 1-3)
Harris, Gregg; Home Schooling Workshop Cassette Tape Series (5 vol.)

[ top ]

Sabbath School Aids

Autry, Ewart & Lola; Bible Puppet Plays
Becker, Calvin; 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus
Boice, James Montgomery; How God Can Use Nobodies (2 copies)
Booth, W.E. ed.; The Gospel Reciter
Discover Your Bible; 1st & 2nd Thessalonians (2 copies)
Faris, Jerry and Boyle, Sam; Jeaneette Li - Teacher's Guide and Coloring Book
Flake, Arthur; Sunday School Officers and Their Work
God's Design for the Family; Husbands & Wives
Jensen, Irving; Psalms
Kalina, Judith Schoener; Creative in Cloth
Know Your Bible Program
McDonald, Jocele; Let Thy Majesty and Power Upon Our Children Be..., Charts and Aids for teaching Psalms to children
Peace, Richard; Learning to Love God
Peace, Richard; Learning to Love Ourselves (2 copies)
Ramquist, Grace; Complete Christmas Programs
Ridenour, Fritz; How to Be a Christian in an Unchristian World (6 copies, leader's guide, audio tape)
Sanchez, George; Interpersonal Relationships (5 copies)
Stark, Tom & Joan; Guidance & God's Will

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Books for Young Children

Frank, Penny; Lion Story Bible
       In the Beginning
       Noah and the Great Flood
       Abraham, Friend of God
       Isaac Finds a Wife
       Joseph the Dreamer
       Princess and the Baby
       Let My People Go!
Kennedy, Pamela; A,B,C, Bunny
Kennedy, Pamela; Night, Night, Bunny
Lorimer, Lawrence T.; Noah's Ark
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell; God Cares when Somebody Hurts Me
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell; God, You Fill Us up with Joy
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell; Sometimes Everything Feels Just Right
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell; Sometimes I Get Lonely (Psalm 42 for Children)
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell; Sometimes I Have to Cry
Scheck, Joann; Three Men Who Walked in Fire

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Youth Fiction and Bible Stories

Albrecht, Allene; To-morrow's Rainbow
Albus, Harry J.; Peanut Man
Albus, Harry; 140 Stories for the Children's Hour
Albus, Harry; 140 Stories for the Children's Hour
Alcock, Deborah; The Spanish Brothers
Allison, David; Greater Love Hath No Man
Anderson, Ken; Hungry People
Anderson, Ken; Shining Shield
Anderson, Ken; The Adjustable Halo
Anderson, Ken; The Austin Boys Adrift
Anderson, Ken; Tom Hunter, Sophomore Halfback
Anderson, Ken; Tom Hunter, Sophomore Forward
Anderson, Ken; Winky Lost in the Rockies
Arnold, Francena H.; The Road Winds On
Arnold, Francena; Not My Will
Baldwin, Margaret; Rose Yuan of Ming-O, A Tale of the Cathay
Barrett, Ethel; Secret Sign
Barrett, Ethel; Which Way to Nineveh?
Bayly, Joseph; The Gospel Blimp
Bechtel, John; Mystery of East Mountain Temple
Bechtel, John; The Year of the Tiger
Bell, Sally Lee; Romance Along the bayou
Bird, Zenobia; Eyes In the Dark
Blackburn, E.R.; The Swaying Elms and other stories
Borland, Hal; Penny - The Story of a Free-Soul Basset Hound
Bowlen, Ruth; West Through the Wilderness
Briggs, Argye; Root out of Dry Ground
Brumfield, J.C.; Nothing Plus God and Susie
Bryant, Al; Stories from Other Lands
Buckingham, Marjorie; Broad is the Way
Buckingham, Marjorie; In All These Things
Bunyan, John; The Pilgrim's Progress
Butler, Ellis; Mike Flannery On Duty and Off
Byrum, Isabel; The Pilot's Voice
Campbell, Henry; A Congo Chattel, The Story of an African Slave Girl
Cannon, Brenda; A Picture for Joy Shop
Cannon, Brenda; Dan and Jack Find a Pal
Cannon, Brenda; Good Neighbors
Cannon, Brenda; On Silver Creek Knob
Cannon, Brenda; Silver Creek's Camp Jolly
Cannon, Brenda; The Princess Beautiful
Carhart, Alfreda Post; Masoud the Bedouin
Carter, Mary; Mary Jones and Her Bible
Chamberlain, Barbara; Ride the West Wind
Chapman, Katherine E.; By the Old Mill
Chase, Mary Ellen; The Lovely Ambition
Clark, Mrs. S.R. Graham; Forty Eight Bernard Street
Condor, Galdyn; Escape to Life!
Consky, Susan; Beanie
Cording, Ruth James; The Turquoise Bracelet; A Story of Neebah, Indian Girl of Arizona
Cording, Ruth; The Turquoise Bracelet
Cousin Georgie; Grandma's Story about St. Bartholomew's Eve.
Diamond, Lucy; Jesus Calls His Disciples
Diamond, Lucy; The Story of Daniel
Diamond, Lucy; The Story of Joseph
Diamond, Lucy; Two Stories Jesus Told (2 copies)
Dingman,Briggs; By Ways Appointed
Drewsen, M.E.; Hazel Glen, or, Ida's New Pupils
Eareckson Tada, Joni; Dary
Edmister, Henry; Hell's Armory, or The Curse of Malvern
Egermeir, Elsie E.; John Wesley
Engstrom, Theodore W. (ed.); Straight Talk to Teens
Enock, Esther; Pepper & Co.
Epp, Margaret; Anita and the Driftwood House
Epp, Margaret; Vicki Arthur
Faris, Lillie; Bible Story Reader, Book 2
Faris, Lillie; Bible Story Reader, Book 3 (2 copies)
Faris, Lillie; Bible Story Reader, Book 4
Farrell, Gene; Junior Days at Mountain View
Finney, Marian MacLean; In Naaman's House
Foster, Charles; First Steps for Little Feet
Gandon, Brian L.; Halt! Major Road Ahead
Gilbert, Dan; Conquest... After the Battle
Glass, Esther Eby; The Miller Five
Gosselink; Sara; Roofs Over Strawtown
Gosselink; Sara; The Honored Guest
Gray, Ruth; Stories About Moses
Hanna, Mary Carr; Cassie & Ike
Harris, Beth; Behind Convent Walls
Harris, Beth; The Invincible Refugees - Huguenot Story
Haskin, Dorothy C.; Secret Meeting
Haskin, Dorothy; Beverly's Quest
Haskin, Dorothy; The Heart's Highest Hurdle
Haughey, Thomas; The Case of the Frozen Scream
Haughey, Thomas; The Case of the Maltese Treasure
Haynes, Ambose; Heroic Messenger
Heine, Harriet; In His Hands
Higgins, Helen Boyd; Old Trails and New
Hill, Grace Livingston; Crimson Roses
Hillyer, Rev. H. S.; Discovery
Holding, Charles; The Scar
Hunt, Lionel; Aurie's Wooden Leg
Hunter, J.H.; Adrift - The Story of Twenty Days on a Raft in the South Atlantic
Hurlbut, Jesse; Hurlbut's Life of Christ for Young and Old
Hurlbut, Jesse; Hurlbut's Story of the Bible for Young and Old
Hutchens, Paul; How to Meet Your Troubles
Hutchens, Paul; Sugar Creek Gang - The Tree House Mystery
Hutchens, Paul; Sugar Creek Gang; Goes Camping (2 Copies)
Hutchens, Paul; Sugar Creek Gang; The Cemetery Vandals
Hutchens, Paul; Sugar Creek Gang; The Winter Rescue
Hutchens, Paul; Sugar Creek Gang; Wild Horse Canyon Mystery
Hutchens, Paul; The Last First
Hutchens, Paul; The Mystery of the Marsh
Hutchens, Paul; The Sugar Creek Gang in Chicago
Hutchens, Paul; The Sugar Creek Gang in School
Hutchens, Paul; The Sugar Creek Gang on the Mexican Border
Hutchens, Paul; This Way Out
Hutchens, Paul; We Killed a Bear! A Sugar Creek Gang Story
Ingalls Wilder, Laura; On the Banks of Plum Creek
Irwin, Grace; Least of All Saints
Jay, Ruth Johnson; Alaskan Somke Eaters
Johnson, James; A Handful of Dominoes
Johnson, James; A Piece of the Moon is Missing
Johnson, James; The Nine Lives of Alphonse
Johnson, Ruth; Bible Stories for Little Children
Jones, Mary Alice, ed.; The Ten Commandments
Jones, Rufus; St. Paul the Hero
Katterfeld, Anna; Story of Martin Luther for Young People
Kauffman, Christmas Carol; Light from Heaven
Kauffman, Christmas Carol; Lucy Winchester
Kauffman, Christmas Carol; Not Regina
Kent, Agnes; Rachel
Kruger, Charloote; Land of Tomorrow
L.C.W.; A Missionary Penny
Landorf, Joyce; I Came to Love You Late
Lane, Rose Wilder; Young Pioneers
Langmead, Clive; Worse Things Happen At Sea!
le Feuvre, Amy; A Cherry Tree
le Feuvre, Amy; Joan's Handful
le Feuvre, Amy; Probable Sons
le Feuvre, Amy; Probable Sons
Lee, Albert; The Call of the Night Rider, A Story of the Days of William Tyndale
Low, Ethel; Broken Threads
Low, Ethel; Terry's Call
Mand, Ewald; The World is My Home
Martin, Dorothy; A Chapter Closed for Peggy
Martin, Dorothy; Faith at Work for Peggy
Martin, Dorothy; Hopes Fulfilled for Peggy
Martin, Dorothy; Prayer Answered for Peggy
Mason, Caroline; The High Way
Massey, Craig; Mystery on the Claudia Lee
Massey, Craig; The Mysterious Spacemen
Massey, Craig; The Rocky Mountain Bear Mystery
McCraw, Louise; Blue Skies...
McCraw, Louise; Hearts that Understand
McCraw, Louise; Shining After Rain
McMinn, Janie Lancaster; The Great Surprise, Children's Stories of the Resurrection and the Holy Spirit (2 copies)
Miller, Basil; Ken in Alaska
Miller, Basil; Patty Lou, Western Nurse
Miller, John; Three Young Pioneers
Milligan, Elsie; Star of the Morning
Moody, Peggie; Gold and Some Others
Moore, Bertha; From Palms to Pines
Moore, Bertha; The Girl of the Listening Heart
Moore, Bertha; The Time of Their Coming
Oke, Janette; Love Comes Softly
Oke, Janette; Love's Enduring Promise
Oke, Janeete; Love's Long Journey
Oke, Janeete; When Calls the Heart
Oke, Janeete; When Comes the Spring
Oxenham, John; White Fire
Palmer, Bernard; Danny and Ron Orlis in the Canadian Wilderness
Palmer, Bernard; Danny Orlis and the Angle Inlet Mystery
Palmer, Bernard; Danny Orlis and the Rocks that Talk
Palmer, Bernard; Danny Orlis and the Strange Forest Fire
Palmer, Bernard; Danny Orlis and the Wrecked Plane
Palmer, Bernard; Danny Orlis Goes to School
Palmer, Bernard; Danny Orlis Plays Hockey
Palmer, Bernard; The Orlis Twins Love for Christ
Palmer, Peter; The Children's Old Testament with Stories
Penderson, Edith; The Long Way Home
Prentiss, Elizabeth; Stepping Heavenward
Price, Eugenia; Don Juan McQueen
Price, Eugenia; Lighthouse
Primmer, Phyllis; Beyond the Bend
Puttcamp, Rita; Andy's Orange House
Puttcamp, Rita; Ginny's Special Friend
Puttcamp, Rita; Polly and the Whispering Voice
Rawlings, Winifred; The Furled Flag
Rinker, Rosalind; Years That Count
Robinson, Charles; The Winning of Aliene
Roddy, Lee; D.J. Dillon; The Legend of the White Raccoon
Roddy, Lee; Mad Dof of Lobo Mountain
Sanderson, Geo; Children's Best Bible Stories
Schickling, Wanda; Chipper Picks a Family and Other Stories
Schoolland, Marian M.; Boys and Girls of Zuni Town
Schoolland, Marian; Little Cousins of Navajo Land
Schoolland, Marian; Little Shepherds of Navajo Land
Serjeant, C.; The Hero of St. Basil's
Smith, Mrs. Gordon; Mawal, Jungle Boy of French Indo-China
Snow, Laura; 'Twixt Altar and Plough
Speakman, Harold; Hilltops in Galilee
Spencer, Alice; Little Fold's Life of Jesus
Spyri, Johanna; Heidi
St. John, Patrica; Rainbow Garden
St. John, Patricia; Star of Light
St. John, Patrica; Three Go Searching
St. John, Patrica; Treasures of the Snow
St. John, Patricia M.; The Tanglewoods' Secret
Street, Harold; Billy Catches a Vision
Strerron, Hesba; Cassy
Stretton, Hesba; A Thorny Path
Stretton, Hesba; Alone in London
Stretton, Hesba; Cassy
Stretton, Hesba; Jessica
Stretton, Hesba; Max Kromer
Stretton, Hesba; The Crew of the Dolphin (2 copies)
Swinford, Betty; Beyond the Night
Thane, Elswyth; The Strength of the Hills
Turnbull, J.R.; Mended Wings
van Laar, Henrietta; Joel and the Silver Trumpet
Vogel, Gladys; Up Parky Ridge
Voorhees, Elizabeth C. Kay; Is Love Lost? (Life of Jane Doolittle)
Vos, Catherine; The Child's Story Bible (2 copies)
Waite, Michael; Hoomania, A Journey Into Proverbs
Walton, Mrs. O.F.; A Peep Behind the Scenes
Walton, Mrs. O.F.; Christie, the King's Servant
Walton, Mrs. O.F.; Little Faith
Walton, Mrs. O.F.; Nobody Loves Me
Walton, Mrs. O.F.; Saved at Sea
Walton, Mrs. O.F.; The King's Cup Bearer
Walton, Mrs. O.F.; Whiter Than Snow and Little Dot
White, John, The Sword Bearer
Whitwell, Florence; Cynthia Stands Fast
Willard, J.H.; The Adopted Son - The Story of Moses
Willard, J.H.; The Boy General, The Story of Joshua
Willard, J.H.; The Farmer Boy, The Story of Jacob
Willard, J.H.; The Favorite Son, The Story of Joseph
Williams, Effie; A Hive of Busy Bees
Wind, G.L.; A Soldier's Daughter
Wind, G.L.; Patriot Blood
Wind, G.L.; The Gentle Heart (2 copies)
Wirt, Sherwood Eliot; Passport to Life City, A Modern Pilgrim's Progress
Withers, Robert; A Light to Shine
Wlaton, Mrs. O.F.; A Peep Behind the Scenes
Wright, Anna Potter; Burton Street Folks
Wright, Anna Potter; Rosa's Quest
Wright, Anna Potter; Rosa's Quest
Wright, Anna Potter; Rosa's Quest
Wright, Anna Potter; The True Mystery Solved
Wynne, Annette; For Days and Days
Yonge, Charlotte; Child's Bible Reader
Zimmerman, Marjorie; The Castle Mystery

[ top ]

Adult Fiction

Arnold, Francena H.; Road Winds On
Bishop, Jim; The Day Christ Died
Cuyler, Theo, ed.; Golden Thoughts on Mother, Home, and Heaven. From Poetic and Prose Literature of all ages and all lands.
DeFoe, Daniel; Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Drewsen, M.E.; Gracie and Grant
Harsh, Carl Merton; Bye, Bye, Balliett
Howard, Guy; Wings of the Dawn
Huggins, Alice Margaret; The Red Chair Waits
Johnson, James L.; Code Name Sebastian
Lewis, C.S.; Chronicles of Narnia (v. 7 missing)
Lynn, Janet; Peace, Love
Oursler, Fulton; The Greatest Book Ever Written
Porter, John B.; If I Make My Bed in Hell
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr; The Gulag Archipelago
Wilder, John; Stories to Live By

[ top ]


Anonymous; The Standard Question Book and Home Study Outlines
Chafer, Lewis Sperry; Systematic Theology (8 Volumes)
Cruden, Alexander; Cruden's Unabridged Concordance
Davidson, Francis (ed.); New Bible Commentary (2nd ed.)
Douglas, J.D.; New Bible Dictionary
Habersein & Lamers, ed.; Funeral Customs the World Over
Halley; Halley's Bible Handbook
Hastings, E.; The Speaker's Bible
Henry, Carl F.H. (ed.); Biblical Expositor, V. III: New Testament
Henry, Matthew; Matthew Henry's Commentary in One Volume
Journeys in the Holy Land through the Perfecscope - describing a Series of seventy-two original stereoscopic photographs
Kirro, John; An Illustrated History of the Holy Bible
Kitto, John; An Illustrated History of the Bible
Kraeling, Emil G.; Rand McNally Bible Atlas
Memorial Record of the Service of American Covenanters in World War II
National Geographic Society; Everyday Life in Bible Times
Sell, Henry; Bible Study By Books
Strong, James; Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
Teacher's New Testament with Notes and Helps

[ top ]


Adams, James; War Psalms of the Prince of Peace
Adams, Jay; Christ and Your Problems
Adams, Jay; Godliness Through Discipline
Adams; Jay E.; Christian Living in the Home
Aldrich, Doris; Musings of a Mother
Allen, Frank (pastor, RPC, Winnipeg, Canada); Evolution in the Balances
Allen, Frank (pastor, RPC, Winnipeg, Canada); Practical Lectures on the Book of Job
Allis, Oswald; Revised Version or Revised Bible
Anderson, Margaret; Happy Moments With God
Anderson, Margaret; Let's Talk About God - Devotions for Families with Young Children
Anderson, Norman; Issues of Life & Death
Anson, Elva; How to Get Kids to Help at Home
Bahnsen, Greg; Always Ready
Barclay, Oliver; Guidance, Some Biblical Principles
Barrett, Ethel; It Only Hurts When I Laugh
Barrett, Ethel; Will the Real Phony Please Stand Up? - St. James
Batten, J. Rowena; Women Alive
Berkhof, Louis; Summary of Christian Doctrine
Biederwolf, Wm. Edward; Russellism Unveiled, Commonly Known as "Millennial Dawnism"
Blaikie, W. Garden; Is Christianity True?
Blaiklock, E.M.; Out of the Earth - The Witness of Archaeology to the New Testament
Blanchard, Charles; Getting Things From God, A Study of the Prayer Life
Boettner, Loraine; Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
Boettner, Loraine; Studies in Theology
Boice, James Montgomery; How God Can Use Nobodies
Bonar, Horatius; When God's Children Suffer
Boone, Pat; 'Twixt Twelve and Twenty
Boston, Thomas; Crook in the Lot
Boston, Thomas, and Goodwin, Thomas; Repentance
Booth, Robert R.; Children of the Promise
Bork, Robert; The Tempting of America
Bounds, E.M.; Power Through Prayer
Brandt, Henry; The Struggle for Peace, a study in mental health
Burow, Daniel; I Met God Through The Strangest People - 110 Devotions for the 9-13's
Caillet, Emile; Journey into Light
Calvin, John; Institutes of the Christian Religion (Beveridge translation, 2 volumes)
Calvin, John; The Necessity of Reforming the Church
Campbell, Robert; Modern Evils
Carrara, John; Enemies of Youth
Carson, David M.; Pro Christo et Patria: A History of Geneva College
Chafin, Kenneth; Help! I'm a Layman
Cheeseman, John, et al.; Grace of God in the Gospel
Clark, Dorothy and Dahl, Jane and Gonzenbach, Lois; Look at Me, Please, Look at Me
Copeland, Robert M.; Spare No Exertions: 175 Years of the Reformed
       Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Cowman, Mrs. Chas; Streams in the Desert
Craig, Samuel; Jesus of Yesterday and Today
Cummings, Violet; Noah's Ark: Fable or Fact?
De Haan, M.R.; How to Study Your Bible
Dobson, James E; Straight Talk to Men and Their Wives/ What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women
Dobson, James; Dare to Discipline
Dobson, James; Preparing for Adolescence
Drummond, Henry; Greatest Thing in the World
Dunwoody, Richard G.; God Blessed Me With a Heart Attack
Edersheim, Alfred; The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah - Vol. 11
Elliott, Delber; Hand-Book for Young Christians (2 copies)
Edwards, Jonathan (ed. by John J. Fanella); Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: Made Easier to Read
Edwards, Jonathan; Works of Jonathan Edwards
Elliott, Delber; The Gospel According to Revelation
Ellis, S.M.; The Bible Indispensable in Education
Epp, Theodore; Guidelines for Christian Parents
Evans, Louis; Your Marriage - Duel or Duet?
Evslin, Dorothy; Marigold Mornings - A Family Love Story
Fagley, Frederick arranger; The Life and Ministry of Jesus of Nazareth and the Founding of the Christian Church From the Gospel Records
Felton, Ralph, Our Templed Hills, A Study of the Church and Rural Life
Flavel, John; Keeping the Heart
Fleetwood, John; The Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Fleming, W.S.; God in Out Public Schools
Flynn, Leslie; Your God and Your Gold
Ganz, Richard, and Edgar, William; Sold Out
Gardner, Frances E.; Hot Line to Heaven
Getz, Bene; Encouraging One Another
Gill, Donald; Live, Christian, Live!
Gillquist, Peter; Love is Now
Gordon, S.D.; Quiet Talks about Jesus
Gordon, S.D.; Quiet Talks on Power
Gordon, S.D.; Quiet Talks on Prayer
Gordon, S.D.; Quiet Talks on Service
Graham, Billy; Angels - God's Secret Agents
Graham, Billy; Chance of a Life Time, Helps for Servicemen
Graham, Billy; Peace With God
Graham, Billy; Peace With God
Greenway, Leonard; Basic Questions About Christian Behavior
Greenway, Leonard; Basic Questions About Christian Behavior
Greenway, Leonard; Basic Questions About The Bible
Greenway, Leonard; Talks to Teeners
Griffiths, Michael; Take My Life
Guder, Eileen; To Live in Love
Guinness, Howard W.; Sacrifice
Guthrie, William; Christian's Great Interest
Halverson, Richard C.; Relevance
Harrell, Irene; Good Marriages Grow - A book for wives
Harris, R. Laird; Your Bible
Hastings, James; The Great Christian Doctrines, The Doctrine of Prayer
Havergal, Frances Ridley; Kept for the Master's Use
Hession, Roy and Revel; We Would See Jesus
Hewitt, Donald; The Cigarette and You
Hill, Bob, ed.; Why Do the Heathen Rage?
Hindson, Edward; Introduction to Puritan Theology
Hodge, Charles; Systematic Theology (4 volumes, volume 3 missing)
Holden, Stuart; Redeeming Vision
Honors, Mildred Olive; Bible Quotations
Hubbard, David; What's God Been Doing All This Time?
Hubbard, David; What's God Been Doing All This Time?
Hyder, Quentin; The Christian's Handbook of Psychiatry
Ingraham, J.H.; The Throne of David
Inter-Varsity; Quiet Time
Jefferson, Charles Edward; Why We May Believe in Life After Death
Jehle, Paul; Dating vs. Courtship
John, John P.D.; Signs of God in the World
Johnson, Phillip E.; Darwin on Trial
Johnson, Ruth; Devotions for Early Teens
Johnson, Ruth; Devotions for Early Teens - I
Johnson, Ruth; Devotions for Early Teens - II
Jowett, J.H.; Thirsting for the Springs
Karssen, Gien; Her Name is Woman
Keesecker, William F. (ed.); Calvin Treasury
Kiemel, Ann; I'm Out to Change My World
Kimmel, Tim; Little House on the Freeway
Klopfenstein, Janette; Tell Me About Death, Mommy
Kofahl, Robert and Segraves, Kelly; The Creation Explanation
Koop, C. Everett; The Right to Live; The Right to Die
Koopman, Leroy; Beauty Care for the Tongue
Krikorian, M.P.; The Spirit of the Shepherd, An interpretation of the Psaom Immortal
Laas, William; Helpful Hints on Managing your Money for Retirement
LaHaye, Tim; Transformed Temperaments
Lambie, Thomas; A Bruised Reed, Light from Bible Lands on Bible Illustrations
Landorf, Joyce; He Began with Eve
Leahy, Fredrick; Satan Cast Out
LeFever, Marlene; Creative Hospitality
Leman, Kevin; Birth Order Book
LeTourneau, Richard; Keeping Your Cool in a World of Tension
Lewis, C.S.; Mere Christianity
Lewis, C.S.; Screwtape Letters
Lowry, Oscar; A Virtuous Woman, Sex Life in Relation to the Christian Life
Luther, Martin; Bondage of the Will
Macartney, Clarence; The Greatest Texts of the Bible
Macaulay, J.C.; Truth vs. Dogma
Machen, J. Gresham; The Virgin Birth of Christ
Manton, Thomas; Manton's Complete Works
March, Daniel; Our Father's House, or The Unwritten Word
Marden, Orison Swett; Character, The Grandest Thing in the World
Marshall, Catherine; Adventures in Prayer
Marshall, Catherine; Something More - In Search of a Deeper Faith
Martin, Walter; Kingdom of the Cults
Matthews, Shailer; The Spiritual Interpretation of History
McAllister, David; Christian Civil Government
McCarroll, Walter; Being Protestant
McCarroll, Walter; Why I Did Not Become A Premillenialist
McConkey, James; Prayer
McGinnis, Marilyn; Single
McIlhenny, Charles D.; When the Wicked Seize the City
McKee, Bill; Shut Your Generation Gap
McLennan, Ross; Booze, Bucks, Bamboozle, & You! Propaganda vs. Facts
Mead, Frank S.; Handbook of Denominations in the United States
Metzger, Will; Tell The Truth, The Whole Gospel to the Whole Person by Whole People
McLeod, Alexander; Messiah, Governor of the Nations of the Earth
Meyer, F.B.; Lovers Always
Miles, Mary Lillian; Devotions for Preteens - A Daily look at Jesus
Moninger, Herbert; Bible Drills
Montgomery, John; History and Christianity
Moore, E.W.; Christ-Controlled Life
Moore, Jack; From a Listening Heart
Morgan, Campbell; The True Estimate of Life and How to Live
Morgan, Edmund S.; Puritan Family
Morris, Henry and Whitcomb, John; The Genesis Flood
Morris, Henry; Scientific Creationism
Morris, Henry; The Bible and Modern Science
Morris, Leon; The Abolition of Religion
Mow, Anna; Say `Yes' to Life!
Mulligan, David; Far Above Rubies
Murray, Iain H.; Puritan Hope
Murray, John; Redemption Accomplished and Applied
Narramore, Bruce; Help! I'm a Parent
Narramore, Clyde; Teaching Adults Successfully
Narramore, Clyde; Young Only Once - Secrets of Fun & Success
Nelson, Byron; After Its Kind
Nelson, Marion; Why Christians Crack Up
Noble, David A; Understanding the Times (abridged edition)
Nyquist, James F.; Leading Bible Discussions
Offill, Cecile ed.; ...And Thy Neighbor - Sam Shoemaker talks about creative living
Ogilvie, Lloyd John; Beauty of Caring
Ogilvie, Lloyd John; Lord of the Impossible
Orr, James; The Bible Under Trial
Owen, John; Works of John Owen
Packer, J.I.; Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God
Patton, William; Bible Wines or Laws of Fermentation and Wines of the Ancients
Paxson, Ruth; Rivers of Living Water
Perry and Howard; How to Study Your Bible
Petersen, J. Allan, ed.; For Men Only - The dynamics of being a man and succeeding at it
Petersen, J. Allan; The Marriage Affair
Peterson, Eugene; Earth & Altar, The Community of Prayer in a SelBound Society
Philip, Robert; The Marys; or, The Beauty of Female Holiness
Pierce, Earle; The Supreme Beatitude
Pierce, Samuel Eyres; Death
Pink, A.W.; Comfort for Christians
Pink, A.W.; Divine Covenants
Pink, A.W.; Divine Healing
Pink, A.W.; Doctrine of Sanctification
Pink, A.W.; Gleanings from the Scriptures: Man's Total Depravity
Pink, A.W.; Letters of A.W. Pink
Pink, A.W.; Profiting From the Word
Pink, A.W.; Regeneration, or the New Birth
Pink, A.W.; Spiritual Union and Communion
Pit, Jan; Persecution: It Will Never Happen Here?
Porteous, David; Calendar of the Reformation
Poythress, Vern; Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses
Post, Emily; 101 Common Mistakes in Etiquette
Price, Eugenia; Find Out For yourself
Price, Eugenia; God Speaks to Women Today
Ptacek, Kerry; Family Worship
Ravenhill, Leonard; Revival Praying
Rein, R.C.; Adventures in Christian Stewardship
Rice, Shirley; The Christian Home, A Woman's View
Richards, Bob; Heart of a Champion
Ridenour, Fritz (ed.); Tell It Like It Is
Ridenour, Fritz, ed.; Tell It Like It Is (2 Copies)
Ridenour, Fritz; I'm A Good Man, But... (3 Copies)
Ridenour, Fritz; It's Your Move
Ridenour, Fritz; Who Says?
Robb, G.M.; Mrs. Triplechin's Avoirdupois
Robertson, O. Palmer; Christ of the Covenants
Robertson, O. Palmer; The Final Word
Robinson, George; Leaders of Israel
Sanny, Lorne; The Art of Personal Witnessing
Schaeffer, Edith; Affliction
Schaeffer, Edith; Hidden Art
Schaeffer, Francis A., and Koop, C. Everett; Whatever Happened to the Human Race?
       Exposing our rapid yet subtle loss of human rights
Schaeffer, Francis A.; A Christian Manifesto
Schaeffer, Francis A.; He is There and He Is Not Silent
Schaeffer, Francis A.; How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture (with study guide)
Schaeffer, Francis A.; Pollution and the Death of Man, The Christian View of Ecology
Schimmels, Cliff; How to Help Your Child Survive & Thrive in Public School
Schlossberg, Herbert; Idols for Destruction
Shedd, Charlie W.; The Fat is in Your Head
Shedd, Charlie; Is Your Family Turned On? Coping with the drug culture
Shedd, Charlie; Letters to Karen, On Keeping Love in Marriage
Shedd, Charlie; Letters to Philip - on how to treat a woman
Shedd, Charlie; Letters to Philip, On How to Treat a Woman
Short, Robert L.; Gospel According to Peanuts
Shyrock, Harold; Mind If I Smoke?
Simpson, John; Faithful Also in Much
Sinclair, Upton; The Cup of Fury
Skoglund, Elizabeth; Your Troubled Children
Smith, David; Man's Need of God
Smith, Hannah Whitall; Every-Day Religion
Smith, Frank J., and Lachman, David C. (eds); Worship in the Presence of God
Smith, Kenneth; Learning to Be a Man
Spear, Wayne; The Theology of Prayer
Sproul, R.C.; Abortion: A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue
Spurgeon,C.H.; Sermons on Prayer
Stalker, James; Hand Book for Bible Classes
Stanford, Miles J.; Green Letters
Stanford, Miles J.; Principle of Position
Stanford, Miles J.; Reckoning That Counts
Steele, David N., and Thomas, Curtis C.; Five Points of Calvinism
Stegall, Carroll; The Modern Tongues and Healing Movement
Stott, John; Basic Christianity
Sullivan, Leon; Build Brother Build
Sutton, Ray; That You May Prosper
Swindoll, Charles; Three Steps Forward Two Steps Back, Persevering Through Pressure
Talmage, T.DeWitt; From Manger to Throne
Taylor, Kenneth; Creation and the High School Student
Thomas, Griffith; Grace and Power, Some Aspects of the Spiritual Life
Thomas, Griffith; The Christian Life and How to Live It
Torrey, R.A.; How to Pray
Tozer, A.W. & others; Prayer - Its Deeper Dimensions
Unger, Merrill; Archaeology and the Old Testament
Van Baalen, J.K.; Comfort to Spare, Brief Talks to Sorrowing Hearts
Van Baalen, J.K.; The Chaos of Cults
van Baalen, J.K.; When Hearts Grow Faint
Vance, James; Tendency, The Effect of Trend and Drift in the Development of Life
Vance, James; The Eternal in Man
Vance, James; The Rise of a Soul - A stimulus to personal progress and development
Veach, Robert Wells (autographed); The Friendship of Jesus, The Secret of a Victorious Life
Verwer, George; No Turning Back
Vigeveno, H.S.; Climbing Up the Mountain
Vigeveno, H.S.; The Listener (3 Copies)
Vigeveno, H.S.; Thirteen Men Who Changed The World
Vos, J.G.; Scottish Covenanters
Warfield, B.B.; The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible
Watkinson, William; Studies in Christian Character
Watkinson, William; Studies in Life and Experience
Watson, Thomas; Body of Divinity
Wattles, Wallace; Financial Success Through Creative Thought, The Science of Getting Rich
Westminster Confession/Modern Revision/RPCNA Testimony
Whitehead, John; The Second American Revolution
Who Is This Man Jesus? (6 copies)
Wiersbe, Warren; Meet Yourself in the Parables
Wiggins, Florence; Where the Heart Is
Wilder, John B.; Stories for Pulpit and Platform
Wilderson, David; Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately?
Wilderson, David; Parents on Trial
Wilkins, Chester, A Handbook for Personal Soul-Winning
Williams, H. Page; Do Yourself a Favor, Love Your Wife
Wingery, Norman; I Was Born Again
Wood, Mrs. G.R. Harding; The Bible Speaks to Women
Wright, j. Stafford; Christianity and the Occult
Wylie, Richard Cameron; Collapse of Christless Civilizations
Yates, Kyle M.; Preaching From Great Bible Chapters
Zuck, Roy and Getz, Gene; Christian Youth, An In-depth Study

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