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Jeremiah Burroughs'

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

A Part of the Puritan Paperback Series

Mr. Dave Carroll

"for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content -- Philippians 4:11"

Jeremiah Burroughs

The objectives of the class are:
  • To answer the question What does it mean to be content?
  • To learn of the dangers of discontentment.
  • To learn contentment for oursleves.
What others have said about Jeremiah Burroughs

As far as his preaching, "he did not use 'those gaudy ornaments which too often put the preacher in the place of his text; or, as one has well expressed it, serve only to evaporate weighty truths, and to make them appear as light as the style.'--His great aim was to guide his hearers in the way to heaven; and accordingly, plainness and persuasion were the chief objects of his attention. The plain Calvinistic doctrine of the Reformation was honored with wonderful success, in promoting the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom, at that time."


Richard Baxter, a contemporary Puritan but not a member of the Assembly, had immense appreciation of its members and its accomplishments. He later commented that if all Episcopalians had been as Archbishop Ussher, all Presbyterians as Stephen Marshall (the great preacher of the Assembly), and Independents as Jeremiah Burroughs, the divisions of the church might soon have been healed.

--James Reid, Memoirs of the Westminster Divines (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1982), p. 156.


* To download, hold down the shift key while clicking on "Listen" or, alternatively, right-click on "Listen" and then select "save link as" (or "save target as").

These audio files are copyrighted by the Stillwater Reformed Presbyterian Church. They are free to be listened to and used, but may not be altered in any way, or resold.

Date Part Title MP3
9/15/2002 12 How to Attain Contentment Listen
9/8/2002 11 The Excuses of a Discontented Heart Listen
9/1/2002 10 The Aggravations of the Sin of Murmuring Listen
8/25/2002 9 The Evils of a Murmuring Spirit Listen
8/11/2002 8 The Evils of a Murmuring Spirit Listen
8/4/2002 7 The Excellence of Contentment Listen
7/28/2002 6 How Christ Teaches Contentment Listen
7/21/2002 5 Mystery of Contentment -- part 3 (conclusion) Listen
7/14/2002 4 Mystery of Contentment -- part 2 Listen
7/7/2002 3 Mystery of Contentment -- part 1 Listen
6/30/2002 2 Christian Contentment Described Listen
6/23/2002 1 Apology and Introduction Listen


Rare Jewel in the PDA DOC format: http://www.memoware.com/?global_op=download_file&file_id=9812
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