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Short Series on Worship

Dr. Alan Noell

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As a prerequisite, please listen to the section in our class on the Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 21: "Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day"

5 Sessions on Worship
Date MP3
5/27/2001 Listen
5/20/2001 Listen
5/13/2001 Listen
5/6/2001 Listen
4/29/2001 Listen
A Session on Family Worship
6/3/2001 Listen

Selected References on the Regulative Principle

Here are some references for further reading on the so-called Regulative Principle of Worship, along with some classic treatments of the sufficiency of Scripture.

One might also consult the systematic theologies produced after the Puritan era, including the recent one by Robert Reymond. See also commentaries on the Westminster Confession and Catechisms.

For material available on the Web one might start by consulting http://www.fpcr.org/blue_banner_articles/articles.htm. Look under Reformed Worship and under Other Useful Articles Offsite.

Bannerman, James. Church of Christ. 1869. Still Waters Revival Books reprint, 1991.

Burroughs, Jeremiah. Gospel Worship. 1648. Soli Deo Gloria reprint, 1990.

Bushell, Michael. Songs of Zion. Crown & Covenant Publications. Third edition, 1999.
(See Chapter 4: The Regulative Principle.)

Calvin, John. Necessity of Reforming the Church. 1543. Protestant Heritage Press reprint, 1995.
(See also Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion and his commentaries for fuller treatment of these matters.)

Cunningham, William. Historical Theology. 1882. Still Waters Revival Books reprint, 1991.
(See especially Chapters I--II and the section in Chapter VII on the sufficiency of Scripture as viewed by the early church.)

Cunningham, William. Reformers and the Theology of the Reformation. 1862. Banner of Truth reprint, 1989.
(See the article "Leaders of the Reformation.")

Eire, Carlos. War Against the Idols. Cambridge University Press. 1986.

Gillespie, George. Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded on the Church of Scotland. 1637. Naphtali Press reprint, 1993.

Knox, John. "Vindication of the Doctrine that the Sacrifice of the Mass is Idolatry." 1550. In: Selected Writings of John Knox. Presbyterian Heritage Publications. 1995.

Murray, Iain H., ed. Reformation of the Church. Banner of Truth. 1965.

Owen, John. Works. Goold, ed. 1850--53. Banner of Truth reprint.
(See, for example, works on worship in Volume 15.)

Reed, Kevin. Biblical Worship. Presbyterian Heritage Publications. 1995.

Schwertley, Brian. Sola Scriptura and the Regulative Principle of Worship. Reformed Witness. n.d.
(For more information on the subject see the relevant portions of his book Musical Instruments in the Public Worship of God.)

Smith, Frank J. and David C. Lachman, ed. Worship in the Presence of God. Greenville Seminary Press. 1992.

Turretin, Francis. Institutes of Elenctic Theology. 1688-90 version. ET: Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing, 1992--97.
(See under the Second Topic Qu XVI on the perfection of the Scriptures and under the Eighteenth Topic Qu XXIX--XXXI on ecclesiastical power.)

Westminster Conference, 1985. Spiritual Worship.

Whitaker, William. Disputations on Holy Scripture. 1588. ET: Soli Deo Gloria reprint, 2000.
(See "Question the Sixth" on the perfection of Scripture.)

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